
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

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                           RJR NABISCO HOLDINGS CORP.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                                BROOKE GROUP LTD.
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)


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       (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
       (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
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       (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
       (5) Total fee paid:

/x/ Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.


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(1)      Amount previously paid: ____________

(2)      Form, schedule or registration statement no.: _____________

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(4)      Date filed: _________________


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                                Contact: George Sard/Anna Cordasco/Paul Caminiti
                                                             Sard Verbinnen & Co



     MIAMI, FL, FEBRUARY 21, 1996 -- Brooke Group Ltd. (NYSE: BGL) today
announced that the slate of directors it has proposed to replace the RJR Nabisco
(NYSE: RN) Board at the 1996 Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be committed to
a comprehensive economic and corporate governance platform that will benefit all
RJR Nabisco shareholders. In a preliminary SEC filing, Brooke said its nominees
are committed to a three-part platform: immediately spin off Nabisco, revitalize
the tobacco business, and improve corporate governance.


     Brooke's nominees will immediately declare a spinoff of Nabisco (NYSE: NA)
     to RJR Nabisco shareholders. Neither Brooke Group nor any of its affiliates
     will exercise any management control over Nabisco (NYSE: NA).


     Ronald Fulford to Run RJR Tobacco -- Brooke has hired Ronald S. Fulford,
     executive chairman of Hanson PLC's Imperial Tobacco, to serve as chief
     executive officer of RJR Tobacco. Fulford, who resigned today from Hanson,
     has engineered a dramatic turnaround since 1987 at Britain's second largest
     tobacco maker, tripling profits and productivity, while sharply cutting
     costs, improving margins, and increasing market share.

     Higher Dividend -- Brooke's nominees will adopt a dividend policy for RJR
     under which at least 60% of the net cash flow of RJR Tobacco will be
     declared as cash dividends to shareholders, initially producing an annual
     dividend of approximately $2.00 per share.

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     Add Dale Hanson to Board -- Hanson, former CEO of the California Public
     Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS), is Brooke's tenth Board nominee.
     RJR added a tenth director after Brooke filed its preliminary proxy slate
     and Brooke had notified RJR that it would nominate another director as soon
     as it identified a tenth candidate, which Brooke did today.

     Restrictions on Affiliate Transactions -- Any extraordinary corporate
     transaction worth more than $2 million per year between RJR (and
     subsidiaries) and Brooke Group (and affiliates) will require approval by a
     special committee of independent directors and by shareholders.

     No Management Entrenchment -- Brooke's nominees will not install a
     staggered Board of Directors and will not implement a "poison pill" rights

     Confidential Voting -- Brooke's nominees will amend RJR's bylaws to adopt a
     confidential voting procedure for all future matters to be acted upon by

     Terminate Directors Retirement Plan -- Brooke's nominees will terminate the
     Retirement Plan for future RJR directors. The current plan grants
     non-employee directors $60,000 per year for up to 15 years after

     "This powerful platform should prove once and for all that a vote for
Brooke is a vote for real economics, strong new management for RJR's undervalued
tobacco business and ironclad shareholder protections," said Bennett S. LeBow,
chairman and CEO of Brooke Group. "Ron Fulford is a world-class tobacco manager
and Dale Hanson is one of the foremost experts in corporate governance. Their
capabilities, coupled with an immediate spinoff of Nabisco and higher dividends,
should benefit RJR and create substantial value for all shareholders."

     Ronald S. Fulford, 61, has been executive chairman of Imperial Tobacco
since 1987 and is a senior associate director of Hanson PLC. He has led an
extraordinary turnaround at Imperial Tobacco. Operating profit rose from
(pound)127 million in fiscal 1987 to (pound)348 million ($537 million) in fiscal
1995, while profit per employee rose 10-fold. He stopped a long-term slide in
market share, and since 1990 has increased share so that Imperial is now
challenging the market leader. He previously was chief executive of three other
Hanson companies: London Brick (1985-1987), British Ever Ready UK & South Africa
(1982-1987), and United Gas Industries UK & Europe (1980-1983). He began his
career at Plessey PLC, where he spent 16 years in trouble shooting
controllership roles. He has a degree from the Chartered Institute of Management

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     Dale M. Hanson, 53, is the chief executive of American Partners Capital
Group, a provider of financial products and services to institutional investors.
From 1987 until 1994, he was chief executive of CalPERS, the largest public
employee retirement system in the U.S. and third largest pension system in the
world. In 1994, CalPERS had 1.1 million members and assets of more than $82
billion. Hanson, who is widely known as a leader of the shareholder rights
movement sweeping corporate America, currently sits on the Advisory Board of
Directorship, a leading consulting firm focusing on issues of corporate
governance. Hanson is also a member of the Board of ICN Pharmaceuticals (NYSE:
ICN), the University of California-Davis Medical School Board of Visitors and
the California State University-Sacramento Trust Foundation.

     Dale Hanson joins nine previously announced Brooke Group nominees to the
     RJR Board:

o    Arnold I. Burns, 65, a Senior Partner at Proskauer Rose Goetz & Mendelsohn
     and former Deputy Attorney General at the United States Department of

o    Rouben V. Chakalian, 59, President and Chief Executive Officer of Liggett
     Group Inc., and former Executive Vice President of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco

o    Robert L. Frome, 55, Senior Partner in Olshan Grundman Frome & Rosenzweig,
     a New York law firm specializing in corporate and securities law.

o    Richard J. Lampen, 42, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of New
     Valley Corporation, who was formerly a Partner in the Miami law firm Steel
     Hector & Davis and a Managing Director at Salomon Brothers.

o    Bennett S. LeBow, 57, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Brooke Group.

o    Barry W. Ridings, 43, Managing Director of the investment bank Alex. Brown
     & Sons.

o    William H. Starbuck, 61, ITT Professor of Creative Management in the Stern
     School of Business at New York University.

o    Peter Strauss, 63, independent consultant in the tobacco and confectionery
     industries, and former Senior Vice President of The American Tobacco

o    Frederick W. Zuckerman, 61, former Vice President and Treasurer of IBM,
     Senior Vice President and Treasurer of RJR Nabisco, and Vice President and
     Treasurer of Chrysler.

                                    - more -


     Brooke announced yesterday that, based on a preliminary count, it has won
its consent solicitation to immediately spin off Nabisco and to restore the
previous right of shareholders to call special meetings. Brooke delivered to RJR
Nabisco consents from 141,749,362 shares, or 50.4% of the 281,206,935 total
votes of all shares outstanding, in support of its immediate spinoff proposal.
Brooke delivered consents from 151,249,457 shares, or 53.8% of the total votes
of all shares outstanding, in support of its special meeting proposal.

     In its SEC filing, Brooke said it intends to terminate its proxy
solicitation if the current RJR Nabisco Board commits to an immediate spinoff of
Nabisco to RJR shareholders.

     Brooke Group is a holding company which controls Liggett Group, tobacco and
real estate operations in the former Soviet Union and has a substantial equity
interest in New Valley Corp.

     CERTAIN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Brooke Group Ltd. ("Brooke Group") will be
soliciting proxies for the proposals set forth in its Preliminary Proxy
Statement currently on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The
following persons may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation by Brooke
Group: Brooke Group, BGLS Inc. ("BGLS"), Liggett Group Inc. ("Liggett"), Bennett
S. LeBow, Andrew E. Balog, Marc N. Bell, Robert J. Eide, Karen Eisenbud, Ronald
Fulford, High River Limited Partnership, Carl C. Icahn, J. Bryant Kirkland, III,
Richard J. Lampen, Seth Lemler, Howard M. Lorber, Robert M. Lundgren, Jeffrey S.
Podell, Jorden Podell, Gerald E. Sauter, Michael Wainstein, Arnold I. Burns,
Rouben V. Chakalian, Robert L. Frome, Dale M. Hanson, Barry W. Ridings, William
H. Starbuck, Peter Strauss and Frederick W. Zuckerman. Brooke Group beneficially
owns, directly, 200 shares of RJR Nabisco Common Stock. Brooke Group
beneficially owns 100% of the outstanding capital stock of BGLS, which
beneficially owns 100% of outstanding capital stock of Liggett. Liggett
beneficially owns, directly, 200 shares of RJR Nabisco Common Stock and 1,000
shares of Class A Common Stock of Nabisco Holdings Corp. In addition, BGLS
directly and indirectly owns 618,326 Class A Senior Preferred Shares, 250,885
Class B Preferred Shares and 79,794,229 Common Shares, or approximately 56% of
the outstanding Class A Senior Preferred Shares, 9% of the Class B Preferred
Shares and 42% of the Common Shares, of New Valley Corporation, which owns all
of the outstanding capital stock of ALKI Corp., which beneficially owns,
directly, 4,892,550 shares of RJR Nabisco Common Stock, or approximately 1.8% of
the outstanding RJR Nabisco Common Stock. Bennett S. LeBow, who is the Chairman
of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of Brooke Group, BGLS and
ALKI, may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of 10,521,208 shares of common
stock of Brooke Group, or approximately 56.8% of Brooke Group's outstanding
common stock. Mr. Lampen currently beneficially owns, directly, 2,000 shares of
RJR Nabisco Common Stock. Dr. Starbuck currently beneficially owns, directly,
1,000 shares of RJR Nabisco Common Stock. Mr. Strauss currently beneficially
owns, directly, 400 shares of RJR Nabisco Common Stock. To the best of Brooke
Group's knowledge, none of the other persons who may be deemed participants
currently own any shares of RJR Nabisco stock.

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